Cybersecurity's Rule #1 

Please, never do this!

Please, never let someone "remote in" to your computer. In January, we had a handful of cases where otherwise intelligent and informed people let a stranger remote in and take control of their computer.

The remote-in scams we've seen include "technicians" purportedly from:

  • Microsoft - most often.

  • Apple - often.

  • Dell - increasing.

  • PayPal - first time in January.

  • Chase Bank - all the time.

Obviously, remoting in with a trusted party is fine. We do it with clients all the time. But we have a relationship, and the client knows who they're dealing with.


 If someone contacts you to remote in, either ignore it entirely or contact us before doing anything else. Take screenshots where you can and send them to us at support@ 

How to avoid scam texts

It's called "smishing," those irritating SMS texts you know aren't authentic, and you wonder why you're getting them in the first place.

"It's not your phone that's the problem, it's your phone number. If you’re being smished it’s probably because your phone number has been sold to telemarketers by data providers."

Wirecutter, Dec. 2021

The real problems with smishing are yet to come. The exploits will increase in sophistication and include elements of email and voice calls that can fool anyone that's not on their toes.

 More here from the NY Times' Wirecutter:

Is it time to upgrade your Wi-FI router?

If your Wi-Fi router in the home or office is older than about 3 or 4 years, it might be time for an upgrade.

The good news is that W-Fi technology has come a long way over the last several years. But some really cheap routers are still being sold out there, and the inherent security gaps in their design are not acceptable.

Here are the facts:

a text and image graphic oh ome routers cybersecurity vulnerabilities

We know home and office networks pretty well and have a ton of experience with what works and what doesn't work in any given case.

Contact Us

Contact us if you need advice with home routers and WiFi systems and how to keep it all under control and private and secure.

Computer Coaching services

One of the most popular things we did last year was to add Computer Coaching services.

Clients want to use and control their personal technology with confidence. And in some cases, the traditional IT support and service approach isn't enough anymore.

Our computer coaching professionals don’t use jargon and guide the client toward greater self-sufficiency and autonomy - password management, backups, browser settings, security settings, email, and other daily workflows.

The coaching approach fits hand-in-glove with our cybersecurity services, and the effect provides a holistic solution to some of our client's most pressing concerns.

  • Clean and optimize your computer or set up a new one.
  • Learn to use a password manager and backup files.
  • Set up your browsers for convenience and privacy.
  • Take control of email.
  • Setup a new computer.

More about Computer Coaching services, here:

Computer Coaching Services by TDS

Our approach is about learning life-long skills for increased satisfaction, privacy, and security with personal technology.

Contact us for more.

Staying Safe Online

A concise guide including:

  • Think you've been hacked?
  • Smarter passwords.
  • Use a VPN every day.

Click to download.

image of the brochure cover to Staying Safe Online

personal cybersecurity

Topics: Cybersecurity for Life

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