Cybersecurity for Life - how to protect in a new age of risk.
YPO Gold Wisconsin members :
DECEMBER 10· 12:30PM- 4PM
Who: YPO Gold Members and Spouses/Partners
Where: The Lubar Entrepreneur Center, UW Milwaukee
Attire: Business Casual Day Chair: Don Hansen
DANGER ZONE: Cyber Security for Life
Chances are you know someone who has been the victim of a cybercrime. Perhaps money was stolen from an account or information was held for ransom. Do you ever wonder if your personal or business information is safe? How about your online banking and investments? Should you be concerned about social media? The internet is EVERYWHERE. not just on your PC or phone. We've built it into our homes and vehicles where we literally engage it in our voice conversations. It has made life easier and more convenient. but it is also fraught with danger - real threats that are becoming more common every day. Brad Deflin, Founder and President of Total Digital Security. a leader in the emerging Managed CyberSecurity as a Service industry, will share the latest cyber threats. show us where we are most vulnerable. and teach us how we can protect ourselves from the fast moving and ever changing threats in the new world of technology.
Brad Deflin founded Total Digital Security in 2013 to provide cybersecurity solutions and services directly to users including wealthy individuals and family members, family offices, and professional trusted advisors.
Since 2014, we have brought this field-based operating experience to bear for education and training programs. Audiences have included family offices, professional trade associations, employee training for public and private sector organizations, CLE/CE accredited training for trusted professional advisors, executive teams for cultural adaptation and governance committee mandates.
General Presentation Outline
1. Inform
Some call it the "fear part" of the program, but our focus is on the state of cyber risk today with a context that illustrates broad “digital age” themes, including adaptation and change.
• Why is digital different?
• How bad is it getting?
• What are the stakes?
2. Educate
This part sets a foundation for greater understanding of digital precepts that advance critical thinking skills. The fundamentals are framed with a focus on change, personal information, and the existential nature of digital risk.
• Moore's Law
• The Network Effect
• The Mobile Revolution
• The Cloud
• Big Data
• Digital Currencies
• Internet of Things
• Algorithms, machine-learning, and AI
3. Empower
• Best practices for life - personally and professionally
• Positioning for innovation in defensive technology
• Confronting complexity with adaptability and agility
• Cybersecurity for Life & The Four Fundamentals - for the boardroom to the break room, to the living room.
Contact Diane Kisner at Total Digital Security for more information, or: