Since 2013 Total Digital Security has provided commercial-grade cybersecurity solutions to individuals and the technology they use every day. We uniquely find the best IT security technology available anywhere and make it accessible, easy to use, and affordable for all. At Total Digital Security, "Cybersecurity for Life" is not just our mantra, but our mission and purpose as an enterprise.
IT security technology continues to advance rapidly. The cybersecurity industry is fueled by five consecutive years of record capital investment, and it is coming from very smart people and organizations. Never has the industry been so robust and invigorated. Machine learning and AI, collaborative threat intelligence, clouds, and remotely managed operations coupled with a focus on protecting individuals and their "end-point" technology; well, we expect cybersecurity for our customers to continually get a littler better - all the time.
We predicted these golden days of cybersecurity because we predicted the golden days for cybercriminals. These are the twin energy sources that will drive the industry toward increasingly greater innovation and results. Total Digital Security is the resource to access these leading edge solutions and use them in your everyday lives, personally and professionally.
We are so impressed with how well the technology works, and how it is increasingly getting better all the time, that in March we wrote - "Cybersecurity: It's Getting a Little Better - All the Time." In June our friend Ted Bauman reprinted the piece in his monthly Bauman Letter for the Sovereign Society. Ted knows as much about privacy, risk, and the politics of each better than anyone else we know. We were flattered to have been included in Ted's letter and include a reprint here:
The Sovereign Society is an exceptional organization that hosts an annual "Total Wealth Symposium" conference for investors, consultants, and leading thinkers from around the world. Topics include the capital markets, investing in real estate, asset protection, and the domestic and international economies. We will be joining the Sovereign Society again for our third consecutive time, this year in Ft. Lauderdale. We look forward to seeing Ted and all the Sovereign Society gang, as well as their many members that have joined us as customers over the years.
In the digital age, innovation rules all. The fresh capital in the cybersecurity industry over the last five years and the innovation it brings is vaulting efficacy and practicality of solutions. Total Digital Security brings these technologies to bear for your everyday life; personally, professionally, at home, in the office, or on the road - it works all the time, wherever you are, across all your devices - just like you!
See how with this short video - "The Four Fundamentals of Cybersecurity."
Thanks for reading.
Contact us to learn more.