When you are building a business and consumed by it in almost all you do, life's lines blur. Work and play become one, as do day and night, weekdays and weekends - and the passion for creating and building something significant rolls everything in to one. This is a continuum that is the life-stream of an entrepreneur.
For the entrepreneur, the same applies to our relationships. Friends and family, customers and investors, employees and vendors - these lines blur too as we co-exist in the continuum, sometimes participating in multiple roles at a time.
So, to all of you - "Thank you!"
To each of you individually and for the part you played in a collective role, "Thank you!" You have contributed to a successful 2016 for Total Digital Security and me and for this I am deeply grateful.
This year's experiences have me more committed to the mission of "Cyber Security for Life" than ever. Many of you have been along since the beginning in 2013 and all of you, in your own way, are truly pioneers in our quest to find the best cybersecurity solutions available anywhere and make them accessible, easy-to-use, and affordable to all.
Now, as we expect great things next year, I hope you will continue to join us in the adventure and during the important next steps of our journey.
In the meantime on behalf of myself personally and for Total Digital Security professionally, I wish you and your family a safe, healthy, cyber-secure and Happy Holiday and New Year for 2017.
With very best regards,
Brad Deflin
Learning and Sharing in 2016
After four years of 24/7 working at the intersection of people, their technology, and the new risks at hand, we've learned a ton! Sharing it through our "Education and Training" has been incredibly successful, and equally as rewarding. Read more to see what we did, who we did it for, and the businesses they are in - all on our Events Calendar here:
2016 - Professional Practioners Prepare for Risk in the Digital Age.
In 2016, professional trusted advisors from around the country have come to us for answers to their most pressing problem: Protecting their practice, their clients, and their reputation in the New Age of Risk.
CLE and Continuing Education for 2017.
Increases in accredited training requirements in technology and cyber risk are major trends for professionals in many industries today.
We provide accredited training in cyber risk for Florida lawyers and Realtors® in association with the Bar and the Department of Business and Professional Regulations.
2016 Person of the Year.
From the "Well imagine that!" category - Time Magazine Voted Cyber Hacking as the #3 most influential occurrence of 2016, only behind Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Obama to the 45th President - "Your #1 Risk in 2017 is ..."
Our #1 risk for 2017?
DDoS over the IoT.
If that's Greek to you, watch the short video to understand why "The Democratization of Global Power" is at hand today.