When starting Total Digital Security in 2013, our vision was to create a platform of best-in-class privacy and cybersecurity solutions for people and personal technology. 


We started with "The Four Fundamentals," which included:


  1. Privatize your personal email account.
  2. Protect your computers and phones with enterprise-grade antivirus and end-point protection.
  3. Secure your home internet network. 
  4. Use a VPN every day.


The Four Fundamentals approach creates an eco-system of privacy and security that works everywhere, all the time, and across all devices and networks. It's remarkable how well the system we introduced in 2013 reduces the risk of online fraud and losses from cybercrime.


Today, in 2022, cyber risk permeates all aspects of life, and our platform of best-in-class providers is growing. Last month we introduced Red Five Security as our strategic partner for addressing the merging of physical and digital risk with holistic solutions for families and VIPs.


With this month's letter, I'm pleased to present our newest service, ID Management, and Theft Avoidance.


First, some facts driving the need for identity management and protection:

  • Someone becomes a victim of identity theft every 4 seconds.
  • 33% of Americans have been the victim of identity theft.
  • In 2020, reported identity theft cases rose by over 110%
  • In 2021, more than 406,000 people reported that someone submitted a fraudulent government document under their name.
  • Identity theft causes loss and hardship for 2.5 million Americans every year.

At TDS, we see it all, and the experiences of ID theft victims include some of the most damaging cases we encounter. The consequences can be horrible, and the trial and tribulations for the victim are long-lasting.


Fortunately, there are effective ID theft recovery and prevention strategies, so we're partnering with the premier provider for our clients' needs.


Identity Fraud Risk Management 


Identity and ID theft matters are serious issues that, for some, transcend what LifeLock and others can do. We're introducing a service that includes:

  • Custom ID theft prevention plan.
  • Work directly with nationally recognized identity theft expert.
  • Monitoring and action.
  • Threat alert management.
  • Identity restorations assistance when needed.

Some types of identity theft can be prevented by utilizing a proven prevention process by making your identity a difficult target, forcing criminals to move on to easier targets. For the types of identity theft that cannot be prevented, if an incident should occur, the  team will work to restore your identity.


VIP Identity Fraud Risk Management membership plan is not a call center. You work directly, one-on-one, with an expert and their team.


In order to deliver the level of service you deserve, we are accepting a limited number of new clients.  


Note - this service is not advertised on the web and comes by referral only.


The bottom line is this, our identity and personal information are under attack, it will continue to get worse before it gets better, and the stakes are higher than you might know.


FBI - Phishing Up 6,000% in two years


Finally, as we warned in the November 2021 CyberAdvisor, phishing is evolving and getting more sophisticated every day.


"The FTC received more than 375,000 reports of text message fraud in 2021 - with losses for link-clickers totaling $131 million."


In some cases, text, email, and voice are combined (called "vishing") to add credibility to the phishing exploits, so be on your toes.

Topics: Cybersecurity for Life, Private Clients

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