Total Digital Security provides cyber security training programs that range from comprehensive, employee-wide education and testing, to workshops for professional groups, learning accreditation, C-suites, and compliance related personnel. From the individual to the enterprise, our years of experience in the field provides us data and observations mined from the real-world of people, technology, and risk.

Our education training programs combine this knowledge with a progressive, human-element focused approach that is freshly aligned with the new realities of risk and risk mitigation.Cyber_Risk_Education_human_evolution-273521-edited-793861-edited.jpg

Digital Darwinism

These are still the early innings of the "Digital Age" and willingly or not, we're all pioneers at the precipice of the new frontier. At this juncture in our era-scale transition, when change exceeds broad understanding and expectations, risk and exploitation abound. 

Life in the Wild West was like this - lawless, perilous, exciting, and full of potential; good and bad. But this time in history it is far more extreme. In the Digital Age, there is no element of distance, physical obstacles don't exist, time is shortened, and consequential effects of change are more immediate and pronounced. The result at this stage of the transition to the new era is a broad chasm between a few that "get it", and the rest.

The Delta of Exponential Change

Digital technology and the internet have progressed at exponential rates for decades, and they are now existential realities for us all, including the risks associated with them.

WTF_graph_of_life-1.jpgThe Delta - a Chasm of Knowledge and Understanding.

The real issue is that the accelerating pace of change in "life" has far exceeded the human, biologically-based pace of natural adaptation to the changing environment.

Today, the pace of change is beyond the grasp of merely intuition and reliance on experience.

From a risk standpoint, about 7.5 billion people around the world are unaware, uninformed, and woefully unprepared for survival, much less success in the Digital Age.  

Enter Cyber Crime 

The 25-year old billionaire is not the only one mining the chasm. The delta of disconnect illustrated in the napkin graph represents a multi-trillion dollar opportunity to exploit and plunder the under-informed. Now, anyone from a low-life or evil doer, to a street criminal skulking on a WiFi, to cartels and syndicates of extremely motivated professional criminals from around the world are all in on the game, and they hold all the cards.

The "Golden Age of Crime"

With so much money at hand (See How to Be a Billionaire ..."), and ease of perpetration upon an unlimited volume of potential victims, without moving an inch, with no weapons or physical risk, minimal probabilities of serious consequences, and the loot is anonymous, liquid, and portable  - it's the perfect crime and for professional criminals everywhere, this is the "Golden Age of Crime."

Driven by exponential advances in technology and information, and fueled by digital currencies, we're in for years more of increasing risk and exploitation, probably like nothing civilization has seen before.

The Human Element

Technology is not the problem; it will take care of itself. With informed awareness individuals and decision makers will find solutions getting better, faster, easier, and cheaper all the time. The surviving species will adapt and use advanced technology before it uses them. 

woman_at_home_devices_working_copy.jpegIn the Digital Age and with its existential consequences, IT security is not just the IT department's problem anymore. And, it is not just the large enterprise, military, or government's problem anymore either - it's our problem - down to each one us as individuals.

Mitigating cyber risk requires a narrowing of the delta of change at the individual and small group level to broaden understanding, raise awareness, and sustain adjustment to position for the long haul. 


Mitigating Risk = Narrow the Chasm's Delta

Adjustment for the Digital Age requires a focused and deliberate shift in thought and action aimed at the individual, human level, one that is aligned and integrated with their every day, mainstream life.

From an organizational standpoint, regardless of size or function, leaders will narrow the chasm of change at the individual level for their own future survival and success.

Our Cyber Security Education and Training Programs are designed to establish new context and perspective for each attendee. We present the content in a manner that is relevant, applicable, and empowering, and we seek to create a foundation of knowledge and understanding that will serve a life time - both personally and professionally.


Cyber Security for Life

New Rules for a New Era

Our approach to cyber risk security education and awareness programs include an application of the content and subject matter across the individual's life; personally and professionally, and presented as an empowerment for survival and success in the Digital Age.

Results are derived from the individual's internalization of the issues and a personalization of the risks. Our approach drives sustained and elevated awareness, long-term behavioral change and adaptation, and markedly increased program ROI.

Distinct Program Benefits

We use our decades of experience in the traditional, regulated, and compliance-driven environments, and combine them with our years of experience providing cybersecurity solutions to individuals and groups - those without an IT department or the security of a protected online environment. 

Regulatory and Compliance Experience

We have decades of risk-management experience in traditional, heavily-regulated institutional environments. We understand "supervision," individual and line-of-business accountability, audits, and the multitude of other challenges traditionally faced by risk managers and compliance departments. From multi-national financial services firms, to family offices and private banks, law firms, insurance, and real estate sales - we are at the forefront of the new challenges introduced with risk management in the Digital Age. 

Operating Experience

We saw it coming in 2013 and formed Total Digital Security. 

After decades in the financial services industry, some former clients and new customers invested in the Firm to:

" ... provide individuals and their personal technology with the best cyber defense solutions available anywhere to anybody, and make them accessible, easy to use, and affordable to the rest of us."

household_2048x2048.jpgSince then, we have been operating 24/7 where the rubber meets the road - at the intersection of people, the technology they use every day, and the new risks at hand. 

Ultra-high-net-worth individuals and families, trusted professional advisors, non-server-centric environments without IT security support, deal teams, and C-suites - we provide advice and ongoing counsel to match the elevating threats with disruptively innovative software-centric solutions to effectively counter, manage, and mitigate it all.

Combination of Experiences

The combination of these institutional and individual-level experiences serve as the platform for Cyber Security Education and Training that is distinctly effective for both the enterprise and the employee.

Education Programs 

Large public and private companies, and small groups and teams.

  • Financial Services Firms - Client events, and internal awareness workshops.

  • Professional Trade Associations - Legal, Real Estate, Nonprofit, Financial, and Privacy Regulated Industries including HIPAA and PCI.

  • Corporate - Employee Training, Executive and Board Workshops, Secure Travel, Risk Mitigation at the Perimeter.

  • Business and Industry Conferences - Cyber Security for the Enterprise Without an IT Department.

  • Family Office - The New Face of Risk for Risk Managers, Cyber Security for the Family.

  • CLE/CE - Accredited training courses.

  • Awareness and Accountability Training 

    • SDAR_workshop_Brad.jpgPrograms emphasize development, reinforcement, and accountability for the "human element". 

    • Data-driven for optimization and ROI measurements.

    • Classroom "workshop" style paired with on-demand online training and testing.

    • Attack simulations.

    • Testing and analysis.

    • Advances subject matter broadly for sustained cultural adaptation.

    • Programs scale easily, up and down.

Educating, and Empowering for Survival and Success in the Digital Age






Calendar of Events


Contact us to learn more. Referral available on request.


Cyber Education and Training video


Topics: Education, Training, and Speaking

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