First, LastPass since it's still #1 for FAQs this year. Here are the answers; yes, the hack was bad. Yes, you need to do something. Maybe, you should change your password manager.


You can find the details in last month's letter, "Last Days for LastPass," here:


And, if you need help:


Mobile Protection and VPNs – On the Agony


We always said VPNs were clunky and frustrating for the user. But VPNs' encryption and privacy benefits inspired our steadfast advocacy for their use. Then, the complexity of F-Secure's re-branding (to WithSecure) was compounded by simultaneously releasing a significant software upgrade – it became too much for many users, and the whole matter was disappointing to us all.


We are still providing WithSecure Mobile Protection but are developing a replacement product. Like Mobile Protection, this product works on iPhones and iPads to protect the user and device from harm and to make all their internet activities invisible online. It's a significant technological advancement and eliminates traditional VPNs' complexity and clunkiness. I'll have more detail on the new product, but I want you to know it is currently in development.


Private Email – A New Path Forward


We're committed to providing clients with an ecosystem that enhances privacy, digital security, and the protection of their personal information. One of the cornerstones of the system is private email – email that is yours, not Big Tech's (as in "free" email providers.) We've been doing this for almost ten years.


We use an enterprise-grade email system at Rackspace to provide a turnkey solution to our clients. Still, technology is advancing, and the field of providers considered "best-in-class" is shifting. Now, it's time to change our approach to providing private email. For the long-term stability and security of private email accounts, we will now build systems for clients on Microsoft Exchange instead of Rackspace IMAP systems.


Yes, Microsoft is undoubtedly in the "Big Tech" squad, but they are also the undisputed superior email provider regarding security and functionality. We believe it is in the best interests of future clients to create private email accounts with Microsoft Exchange and encourage our current clients to consider doing the same.


There will be more information about transitioning your email from Rackspace to Microsoft, and you can contact Diane or me directly if you want to discuss options.


Fade to Black


You will notice TDS is changing our brand to include a black and white motif instead of the hued blues and oranges from the traditional brand. The change is intended to reduce noise and clutter in our activities with clients.


We live in a world of change, and it's unambiguous; adaptability to change is a survival skill for our day. To me, it's as clear as black and white.


Thanks for reading.


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Topics: Total Digital Security

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