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Your Kids' Identity - 4 Things You Can Do to Allow Them to Create Their Own

Written by Total Digital Security | July 11, 2014

In this week's report, we will discuss the most long-term and effective actions that we can take as parents to insure our kids' identity and future is their own, and not completely under the control of inscrutable algorithms on behalf of governments, big corporations, criminals and creeps. These solutions are simple, extraordinarily affordable, and will work for a lifetime.


   It has been reported that up to 500,000 children become victims of ID theft every year.



It's hard to get our kids to adjust their behavior when it comes to their online activities.

The good news is that you can still have a huge effect on their privacy, protection of their identification and even physical security, with some easy and very inexpensive measures.

 The solutions require little if any change, and once acted upon, will work for a lifetime.




 How to Protect Your Childrens' Right to Their Own Identity.


2014 may be the last chance to be pre-emptive and act proactively, to shore up our family members' personal information and digital identity.



  Free Consultation, use code "shore up".

   Shore up your family's identification, personal information and online security.


Teen ID theft victims and their families have little way of knowing the crime is occurring. For children and teens, this lack of awareness can be even more destructive. In most cases, it’s not until a child turns 18 and attempts to establish his or her own credit that he or she discovers the fraudulent activity.


By this time, the child’s credit history can be significantly tarnished, making the process of eradicating any false activity extraordinarily difficult, time consuming and it typically takes many years to resolve.


2014 may be the last chance to be pre-emptive and act proactively, to shore-up our family members' personal information and digital identity.



The year 2014 may well go down in the history books as the year that extortion attacks went mainstream.

Brian Krebs, Krebs on Security - http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/06/2014-the-year-extortion-went-mainstream/


As individuals, families and businesses, our risk surface is far more broad in the digital age, than at any other time before. We can be targeted, or simply a random victim of crimes that have anonymous perpetrators with invisible presences from untrackable locations that can be anywhere on earth, regardless of who you are or where you are. 

It's a fact of life now, and for the future of our children, that the stakes are high and getting higher, the risks of a breach are going up at exponential rates of growth, and in the digital age, technology is the hub of everything we do.

So let's get right to it; here are 4, very solid measures you can take that will profoundly impact your family's security, privacy and ability to have a meaningful level of control over your risk environment in an age of constant digital innovation and advancement.


The 4 Things That Will Protect Your Family's Information and Identification For a Lifetime.


1. Create your own family digital domain for private email accounts and attachment storage. We use Swiss-based servers because in the world of privacy and control over your personal information today, geography means everything.

2. Install and use a VPN, always.

3. Secure every computer and smart phone or device from online cyber-risk, including viruses and external intrusions.

4. Use a digital vault for family documents, records, archives and passwords. Be sure to have a system for password and document inheritance without probate or costly litigation.


Click each link below to find out more about each of "The 4 Things That Will Protect Your Family's Information and Identification For a Lifetime."


   #1 - Why Geography Means Everything to Your Privacy and Control Over Your Digital Information.
   #2 - Use a VPN, everywhere, always. Get yours free, here.
  #3 - Secure every computer from viruses, spyware, and intrusions.
  #4 - Use a digital vault for family documents, recods, archives and passwords.

Starting at only $5.95/month, we can create an ultra-secure environment for anyone that owns a computer or smart phone, and connects to the internet. Our solutions never stop working for you because security is a service, and not something you can buy and sell.


Find out more and see how we can help you to "subscribe to peace of mind", by calling us at 877-643-6391, or emailing me directly at brad@totaldigitalsecurity.com


Thanks for reading,





 Total Digital Security