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CLE Accredited Training in Cyber Security for Lawyers

Written by Brad Deflin | August 30, 2016

Accredited CLE Training  - Cyber Security for Lawyers

This course focuses on individuals and the technology they use every day, specifically from the view of a trusted professional advisor in the field of law.  The training is designed to broaden knowledge of the subject-matter, deepen understanding of critical concepts and drivers, to advance known industry best-practices, and provide practical measures that protect personally and professionally.

Cyber Security in Law - Precepts for the Future.



2 General Credits - Florida Bar.

Registration is required, see our calendar for dates.

Calendar of Events



Session I - "The New Face of Risk" - How did it happen? What does the future hold? Context that informs.  :50-minutes.

Lunch - :30 minutes.

Session II - "Cyber Security for Life" - What can I do about it? Precepts for the future.  :50 minutes.

About the Speaker

Brad Deflin - Brad is Founder, and President of Total Digital Security, formed in 2013 to find the best IT security technology available anywhere and make it accessible, easy to use, and affordable for the rest of us.

Brad is an author and frequent speaker on the matters of online risk, cyber crime, and the emerging technology that defends and protects from what has become our #1 personal and professional risk today. More ...

Cyber Security Education