What you need to know, when you need to know it.
Hi there,
Some good news for our clients:
F-Secure was in the news last week as tech research leader Gartner named the Helsinki-based firm a "Visionary" in their 2016 "Magic Quadrant" report - the highly regarded annual evaluation of the competitive tech landscape.
Gartner highlighted F-Secure's leadership position in "end-point-security" - what we at TDS call 24/7 "Device Security" for antivirus, intruder protection, data loss protection, and the host of threats that our personal technology faces every day.
“We believe Gartner appreciated our effectiveness against malware and our company focus (on device security). We’ve already got hands down award-winning best protection, measured by independent tests. We’ve invested in threat intelligence and advanced threat detection, response and forensics ... and we’ll continue to press toward our goal, now as a Visionary.” Christian Fredrikson, CEO of F-Secure
Our Device Security subscribers enjoy unique access to F-Secure's premier solution - PSB (Protection Services for Business) - typically only available to large corporations and institutions.
True to our value proposition at TDS, we take the best enterprise-class IT security solutions available anywhere and make them accessible, easy to use, and affordable to just about anyone, including individuals, families, professionals, and small businesses.
We've been selling F-Secure's protection service since our start 3 years ago. Gartner's ackowledgement of the firm's stature in the business has validated our ability to determine the technology that will best suit our customers' needs. While the Gartner accolade assures subscribers to our 24/7 Device SecurityDevice Security service that they are protected by the very best in the business, our job at TDS doesn't stop there.
What's Next?
In the years ahead, we expect F-Secure and others to face stiff competition from emerging innovators that have recently been fueled
by fresh, entrepreneurial capital. Cyber security is big business now, and over just the last few years record amounts of investment in the field will bring highly effective products and services to the market.
While we fulfill each of "The Four Fundamentals" with products we believe currently stand as "best-in-class", we remain "open-architecture", and will introduce our clients to the best that is available at any time in the future.
For more on how we do this, please visit "About Us".
The best device protection on the planet from F-Secure is available exclusively from Total Digital Security for only $71.40 per year.
For now, iPhones and iPads don't require this protection, but if you own a computer, server, laptop, or Android device and are not yet protected, you can sign up now for a 10% discount that is available this week only.
Don't go another day with out protection!
Sign up now for 10% off 24/7 Device Security from F-Secure.
Get it for the kids too - it will pay for years to come as they become more aware and proficient with cyber-self-defense by using the tools required for success and security while living in the Information Age.
Thanks for reading,

Click Here, for more on why we choose F-Secure for Device Protection and VPN's.
Oh yeah, and then there is this from the IRS:
"The Internal Revenue Service renewed a consumer alert for email schemes after seeing an approximate 400% surge in phishing and malware incidents so far this tax season." Washington, IR-2016-28
The 400% increase even surpasses our lofty estimates of a couple of months ago. https://www.irs.gov/uac/Newsroom/Consumers-Warned-of-New-Surge-in-IRS-Email-Schemes-during-2016-Tax-Season-Tax-Industry-Also-Targeted
And while they were reporting the spike in 2016, the IRS also doubled their estimate of the number of taxpayers affected by last year's tax-ID fraud epedemic from 330k to 724k.
Device Protection mitigates this risk, but also consider Private Email Accounts - it will make your future far more bearable considering what is coming in the cyber threat environment over these next few years.
This headline got a ton of attention last week, and our customers from around the world shared it with us by email and Twitter.

“I don’t really need to worry about online privacy,” I used to think. “I’ve got nothing to hide. And who would want to know what I’m up to, anyway?” Steven Petrow, the journalist who had his computer hacked while on a flight and writing a story about the privacy debate between Apple and the FBI.