Hi there.
Another wild and wooly week in the field at TDS as ransomware, email phishing, and credit fraud brought new customers from around the country.
We are all about being pre-emptive, but the bigger business consistently comes from victims that are reacting, typically in disbelief, at the sophistication of the attack and the complications left in its wake.
Thinking you "have nothing to hide" and are not on the radar screen of hackers is to expose yourself to tremendous, potentially life-altering risk. And, expect the consequences to be just around the corner. Since the first day of 2017, we are seeing activity that tells me the balance of the year will be a sh#^ show.
Just read a few of the brief stories below and for a moment ponder the implications of it all; not just to society, but to yourself, individually - personally and professionally.
What to do? It all starts with "The Four Fundamentals." Watch the 3:30 video:

Thanks for reading,

Brad Deflin